Our - Steps

Why The Staircase?

SCALA is a new restaurant situated in Saqqajja Hill, in Mdina. The restaurant pays homage to the importance of stairs for our humanity. For thousands of years, stairs have been a physical representation of spiritual elevation, the climb to knowledge, achievement and enlightenment.

Just like a staircase symbolically suggests a journey between two spaces, SCALA uses this analogy to welcome its guests to step into its own journey. The restaurant focuses on a cuisine that is Mediterranean with some classical French cooking techniques.

With idyllic views of the fields in Żebbuġ and Siġġiewi, and just a few hundred metres from Mdina gate, the restaurant is nestled between some of Malta’s most arable land and the rich culture inside the old capital city.

We look forward to welcoming our guests at SCALA and have them enjoy both our outdoor area together with our quaint converted house that has been there for over 200 years.

Our Staircases

Historically, our property was part of a larger building found on a number of floors. Inside our restaurant there are a couple of staircases that we have given prominence to. The first one is found at the entrance. This staircase looks very wide for the size of the restaurant but when considering this was the main entrance of the whole house, the width starts to make sense.

The second staircase found on your right after the first flight of steps is spiral and previously connected the ground floor to the rest of the floors above.



Creating a seamless team in a restaurant is the first step to delivering a positive experience to our guests. When each one of our team members is happy and working towards the greater goal, our food and service are only bound to be expressed in a superior manner.


If you would like to consider joining our team, please feel free to contact us by clicking here
